Wisdom from Sensual Love Poetry?
How do we gain wisdom from sensual Hebrew love poetry?
Wisdom from Sensual Love Poetry?
Show Notes
We all long to be truly seen, known, and loved by God and others. We want to fully give ourselves to these deep relationships. The Song of Songs is about that desire, that dream that imagines the unity of Heaven and Earth. One day this dream will be fully realized, but until then, we have access to unity with Jesus. He invites us into a real and intimate relationship. And in him, we can know a love that cannot be quenched or swept away—a love that can overflow toward others and heal creation. Bible Reading Song of Songs 8:6-7 Reflection Questions
- Think about an inspiring romantic relationship that you've witnessed in real life, a movie, or a book. What inspired you most about it?
- What is one feature of that romance that could give you an example of what it means to be in a relationship with God?
- What is one thing that might be hindering intimacy in your relationship with God? What is one small step you can take to grow in that area today? Show Credits Host: Cheree Hayes Message: Dr. Carissa Quinn Cited: Davis, Ellen. "Reading the Song Iconographically." The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, 2003. Production and Bible Reading: Dan Gummel Theme music: Grant William Harold Background Music: "A Longing," by Sean Williams Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
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